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GenAI and Education: Beyond the hype

GenAI and Education: Beyond the hype | |

A recent study shows that almost half (49%) of college students are using general purpose GenAI writing tools such as ChatGPT.  

However, despite students increasingly turning to these GenAI tools, they remain apprehensive when it comes to using them for learning. A recent global student survey shows that only 4% of U.S. students said they turn to GenAI first when stuck on a concept or assignment.

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Las cuatro etapas de la Sinapsis Algorítmica

Las cuatro etapas de la Sinapsis Algorítmica | |

La educación universitaria se encuentra en una encrucijada única en la historia de la humanidad, donde la integración de tecnologías avanzadas redefine la forma en que se produce y se transmite el conocimiento. Un concepto emergente que está ganando relevancia en el contexto educativo es la Sinapsis Algorítmica (SA). Este término describe la simbiosis entre el cerebro humano y los modelos de lenguaje de Anteligencia Artificial (Modelos de Lenguaje de Gran Escala) en el proceso de creación de contenido digital. La SA no solo representa una metáfora poderosa para comprender la interacción entre humanos y máquinas, sino que también proporciona un marco práctico para mejorar la generación de contenido educativo de manera balanceada y aceptable.

Edumorfosis's insight:

En la primera parte presentamos el concepto de la Sinapsis Algorírmica. En esta segunda parte, nos dedicamos a describir las cuatro fases que componen este revolucionario enfoque educativo.

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Report finds “misalignment” between credentials and jobs

Report finds “misalignment” between credentials and jobs | |

A new report from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce found a “great misalignment” between projected job demand in many local labor markets and the mix of credentials available to workers seeking jobs requiring more than a high school diploma but less than a bachelor’s degree.

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OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, revolutionizing Higher Education

OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, revolutionizing Higher Education | |

ChatGPT Edu, powered by GPT-4o, is designed for universities to responsibly integrate AI into academic and campus operations. This advanced AI tool supports text and vision reasoning, data analysis, and offers enterprise-level security.

Successful applications at institutions like Columbia University and Wharton School highlight its potential. ChatGPT Edu aims to make AI accessible and beneficial across educational settings.

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IA en Universidades

IA en Universidades | |

La IA Generativa y predictiva llega para obligar a las universidades a repensarse (una vez más) y tomar nuevas decisiones de diseño. Bienvenido este paradigma de producción y distribución de conocimiento. Sabemos que cuando a los sistemas complejos se los priva de estresores se vuelven débiles, como define la antifragilidad de Taleb (2012).

Esta problemática afectará en muy pocos años a nuestro día a día como gestores o profesores universitarios. Por esto, no es suficiente proponer y armar debates sobre el futuro de la educación con los usos de la IA. Más allá de cualquier conversación, ¿qué está haciendo usted lector ahora mismo para adaptarse?

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Teach students to use GenAI to create characters for stories

Teach students to use GenAI to create characters for stories | |

AI, and specifically LLM (large language models), can help our students enhance their creative work. This is one of several reasons their use has become increasingly prevalent in education over the past few months. An LLM is a type of AI that mimics human intelligence and processes and analyses large amounts of data and patterns through statistical models. It also analyses the connection between words and phrases to improve content. In this resource, we provide tips for LLM prompt writing to help our students create characters for their creative projects.

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[PDF] Boston University AI Task Force

[PDF] Boston University AI Task Force | |

Boston University’s  AI Task Force was established in Fall 2023 to analyze the impact of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies on education and research. The task force consulted widely with experts and stakeholders. This report surveys the landscape of GenAI technologies, assesses their potential to impact research and education, identifies limitations and concerns, offers guidelines on the best use of GenAI, and proposes policies and administrative support structures.

The task force’s key policy recommendations are as follows:

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Blended Learning VS Traditional Learning: A detailed overview of the two approaches

Blended Learning VS Traditional Learning: A detailed overview of the two approaches | |

Blended Learning leverages the power of technology to create a more personalized and interactive learning experience. By combining real-time classroom teaching with self-paced online modules, students have the flexibility to learn at their own pace while also benefiting from the guidance of their teachers. This approach enables educators to experiment with new teaching methods and engage students in exciting and meaningful ways.

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Docentes del Siglo XXI: ¿Transformación de la tarea sin transformación de la profesión?

Docentes del Siglo XXI: ¿Transformación de la tarea sin transformación de la profesión? | |

La profesión docente ha sido históricamente una de las más valoradas y respetadas en la sociedad. Los educadores han sido vistos como mentores, formadores, transmisores de conocimientos, desempeñando un papel fundamental en el desarrollo intelectual y personal de generaciones enteras. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, la percepción y las expectativas sobre la labor docente han cambiado de manera evidente y constante, convirtiéndose en un ámbito donde se enfrentan expectativas a veces descontextualizadas por un lado, y realidades complejas por otro.


Los docentes se encuentran en el epicentro de una serie de demandas y exigencias: ya no basta con ser expertos en su materia; se espera que sean guías emocionales, gestores de conflictos, promotores de la inclusión y la diversidad, y líderes en la implementación de nuevas tecnologías y metodologías pedagógicas innovadoras, entre otros aspectos.

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Estamos investigando la transición de la IA Generativa a la IA General por medio de Educación Disruptiva y Modelos  AMI (Advanced Machine Intelligence)

Estamos investigando la transición de la IA Generativa a la IA General por medio de Educación Disruptiva y Modelos  AMI (Advanced Machine Intelligence) | |

La transición de la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (IA generativa) a la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI) marca un cambio significativo en la forma en que abordamos la creación de sistemas inteligentes:


La IA Generativa se centra en la creación de contenido nuevo y original, como imágenes y textos, utilizando algoritmos que aprenden de datos y estadísticas. Sin embargo, esta aproximación tiene limitaciones, ya que se basa en la programación de algoritmos para resolver problemas específicos y no puede realizar juicios o razonar ante situaciones de incertidumbre.

Por otro lado, la IA General aspira a desarrollar sistemas de inteligencia que puedan realizar cualquier tarea intelectual que los seres humanos realicen, incluyendo la capacidad de razonar, planificar y comunicarse en lenguaje natural. Esto requiere un enfoque más holístico, que abarque la comprensión de la cognición humana y la capacidad de aprendizaje autónomo.

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Generative AI in Education: Reshape Education

Generative AI in Education: Reshape Education | |

Technology has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. As time changes, the ways of education change too. Nowadays, generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly popular and is a form of Artificial Intelligence. With the advent of generative AI, the landscape of education is undergoing a profound transformation. Generative AI, powered by advanced algorithms, is not just revolutionizing industries; it's also reshaping the future of learning.

Via EDTECH@UTRGV, juandoming, LGA
EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, May 23, 2:06 PM

"This article highlights how generative AI can revolutionize education by personalizing learning experiences, automating administrative tasks, and creating dynamic content."

Timoteo Guzman's curator insight, May 24, 2:43 PM
Generative AI is significantly transforming education by personalizing learning experiences, aiding in content creation, and enhancing language learning and creative expression. It supports academic research and provides valuable tools like AI-powered tutoring systems and virtual classrooms. While the benefits are substantial, challenges such as data protection, bias, and ensuring equitable access must be addressed. Generative AI should complement, not replace, teachers, enhancing their ability to inspire and mentor students.!

How educators are using AI to do their jobs

How educators are using AI to do their jobs | |

One-third of K-12 teachers say they have used artificial intelligence-driven tools in their classrooms, according to an EdWeek Research Center survey, which included 498 teachers and was conducted in November and December.

These AI tools can instantly generate a written response or an image to seemingly any prompt.

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Impulsando el Futuro de la Educación con Inteligencia Artificial

Una charla virtual entre destacadas figuras de la Educación hispanoamericana congregadas para hablar sobre el impacto de la IA en el ámbito educativo:  


  • Delia Bernal
  • Adriana Caballero
  • Paula Mora
  • Valentina Alvear
  • Rafael Martínez
  • Antonio de la Rocha
  • Marcos Vélez
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Tomarnos en serio la tecnología en educación

Tomarnos en serio la tecnología en educación | |

La tecnología no es sólo una herramienta, sino un producto social, que está lejos de ser neutro. El diseño de cualquier tecnología es un acto moral. De hecho, muchas de las más avanzadas tecnologías poseen una moral, en el sentido que se comportan de acuerdo a unas normas inscritas en su diseño (esto es muy claro con los sistemas basados en IAs y data). Defender la idea de una tecnología neutra tan solo condicionada por el uso que hagamos de ella es una manera de ocultar (conscientemente o no) este hecho y las responsabilidades que implica. Y es además algo poco útil porque nos dificulta aclarar las opciones éticas y las compensaciones que a menudo requieren muchas tecnologías y, por lo tanto, las políticas y regulaciones que deben diseñarse (Floridi, 2023).

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[opinion] Learn to work or work to learn—let students choose 

[opinion] Learn to work or work to learn—let students choose  | |

For generations, formal education has been designed so that we learn to work. People go to school, acquire knowledge and skills, and then apply for jobs where that knowledge and skill can be applied. People learn so that they can work. This model motivated generations of individuals to become teachers, engineers, nurses, business leaders, and accountants during the twentieth century. However, the learn-to-work model has been losing its appeal for decades. Consider the possibility that this steep decline is not because any particular generation or segment of the population is addicted to social media, lazy or fragile. Consider instead that it is because our system of education (cradle-to-grave) is producing exactly what it was designed to produce. It was not designed to appeal to every person. It was not designed to serve every segment of the population. It was designed to rank and sort.

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Merging Online Education and Architecture: How virtual learning is shaping future architects?

Merging Online Education and Architecture: How virtual learning is shaping future architects? | |

The digital age has brought many changes to our daily lives, and education is no exception. Over the last decade, online master’s programs have seen significant growth. From business to engineering, virtual classrooms break down geographical barriers, making higher education accessible to many. The benefits of online learning include flexibility, the ability to balance work and studies, and access to diverse resources. But how does this affect the field of architecture?

Recent events have further accelerated the shift towards online education. Many traditional universities have had to quickly adapt and offer online courses. This sudden change has shown that online education can be just as effective as in-person learning when done right. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of digital skills and adaptability, which online education can help develop.

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The importance of AI acceptance in Education

The importance of AI acceptance in Education | |

Implementing artificial intelligence in schools can be a difficult discussion to have. As AI grows and evolves, how we use it changes alongside it. How can we keep up with such a malleable landscape while addressing any issues that may come up with its use?

Kerry Gallagher, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at St. John’s Prep in Danvers, Massachusetts, expounds on a method she created to help acknowledge and implement AI use in her district, as well as to make an ongoing commitment to staying involved and informed with its use.

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Spatial Learning: The new frontier in Corporate Education

Spatial Learning: The new frontier in Corporate Education | |

Spatial Computing is 2024’s hot tech topic. Alongside emerging technology drivers like GenAI, spatial computing solutions—including AR/VR/MR technologies—are changing the workplace today.


Most notably, learning and training use cases are proving the wealthiest investment space for companies interested in XR. Already many firms are getting ahead by retaining knowledge and upskilling workers thanks to spatial learning solutions.

Edumorfosis's insight:

La Educación Corporativa se está moviendo del Aprendizaje Inmersivo al Aprendizaje Espacial Computacional...

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10 ways to detect AI writing 

10 ways to detect AI writing  | |

AI-generated papers have become regular but unwelcome guests in the undergraduate college courses I teach. I first noticed an AI paper submitted last summer, and in the months since I’ve come to expect to see several per assignment, at least in 100-level classes.

I’m far from the only teacher dealing with this. Turnitin recently announced that in the year since it debuted its AI detection tool, about 3 percent of papers it reviewed were at least 80% AI-generated.

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Students are likely writing millions of papers with AI

Students are likely writing millions of papers with AI | |

Students have submitted more than 22 million papers that may have used generative AI in the past year, new data released by plagiarism detection company Turnitin shows.

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Don’t use GenAI to grade student work 

Don’t use GenAI to grade student work  | |

However, as I’ve explored in previous posts on the capabilities and limitations of GenAI, I firmly believe that this technology is fundamentally unsuited for high-stakes student assessment. At its core, GenAI generates probabilistic outputs based on patterns in training data, lacking true understanding and the ability to make qualitative judgments. This leads to inconsistency and bias in grading, raising serious concerns about fairness and reliability.

The use of AI in grading also raises a host of ethical and equity issues. As I wrote in “Generative AI doesn’t ‘democratize creativity’“, the notion that AI levels the playing field is often an illusion. In reality, relying on AI for grading may exacerbate existing inequities and privilege certain groups of students over others.

In this post, I’ll go deeper into the reasons why I believe GenAI should not be used for grading, drawing on recent experiments and real-world examples. I’ll also explore the potential risks and unintended consequences of AI-powered assessment. By the end, I hope to convince you that, despite the temptation, GenAI is a dead-end when it comes to evaluating student work.

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Gemelos Generativos en la formación docente: Los sentidos pedagógicos de la IA en la Universidad

Gemelos Generativos en la formación docente: Los sentidos pedagógicos de la IA en la Universidad | |

Si el objetivo de toda educación es poner al estudiante en el centro del proceso educativo para el desarrollo de su máximo potencial, resulta prioritario evaluar qué caminos reales habilitar como docentes para lograr ese objetivo. En tiempos de inteligencia artificial generativa (IAG), esta pregunta cobra nuevos significados. Por eso en los siguientes párrafos avanzo en valoraciones respecto del sentido pedagógico de incorporar agentes inteligentes en diversos procesos de enseñanza en la universidad con foco en la centralidad del alumnado.

Como parte de mis experimentaciones con las tecnologías generativas en el aula, en los últimos meses diseñé una serie de asistentes basados en IAG: un bot y un gemelo generativo, ambos pensados para apoyar el aprendizaje de docentes en formación y materialmente diferentes, como veremos a continuación. Comparto en los próximos apartado estas dos experiencias de trabajo en el ámbito de la formación docente y ofrezco perspectivas y preguntas que pulsan reflexiones en varias direcciones.

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Reflexiones acerca del uso de la IA en el ámbito educativo... ¡seis meses después!

Reflexiones acerca del uso de la IA en el ámbito educativo... ¡seis meses después! | |

Todo esto de la IA está yendo demasiado rápido para todo el mundo. No se trata aquí de hacer una apología de su uso o de su “no uso”. Se trata de reflexionar acerca de cómo podemos lidiar, al igual que se lidió en su momento con la calculadora o los bolis, en el ámbito educativo. Y hacerlo bien. Contando, como os he dicho antes, con expertos de verdad y docentes. Con unas guías claras de uso. Con la modificación de prácticas educativas. Con una mayor necesidad de controlar qué sabe el alumnado por él y no por lo que sabe la herramienta de IA que está usando para hacer ciertas cosas.

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[PDF] Can AI be as creative as humans?

[PDF] Can AI be as creative as humans? | |

Creativity serves as a cornerstone for societal progress and innovation. With the rise of advanced generative AI models capable of tasks once reserved for human creativity, the study of AI's creative potential becomes imperative for its responsible development and application. In this paper, we prove in theory that AI can be as creative as humans under the condition that it can properly fit the data generated by human creators.


Therefore, the debate on AI's creativity is reduced into the question of its ability to fit a sufficient amount of data. To arrive at this conclusion, this paper first addresses the complexities in defining creativity by introducing a new concept called Relative Creativity. Rather than attempting to define creativity universally, we shift the focus to whether AI can match the creative abilities of a hypothetical human.


The methodological shift leads to a statistically quantifiable assessment of AI's creativity, term Statistical Creativity. This concept, statistically comparing the creative abilities of AI with those of specific human groups, facilitates theoretical exploration of AI's creative potential. Our analysis reveals that by fitting extensive conditional data without marginalizing out the generative conditions, AI can emerge as a hypothetical new creator.


The creator possesses the same creative abilities on par with the human creators it was trained on. Building on theoretical findings, we discuss the application in prompt-conditioned autoregressive models, providing a practical means for evaluating creative abilities of generative AI models, such as Large Language Models (LLMs). Additionally, this study provides an actionable training guideline, bridging the theoretical quantification of creativity with practical model training.

Edumorfosis's insight:

Nuestro análisis revela que al ajustarse a datos condicionales extensos sin marginar las condiciones generativas, la IA puede surgir como un nuevo creador hipotético. Este creador posee las mismas habilidades creativas en comparación con los creadores humanos en los que fue entrenado. Basándonos en los hallazgos teóricos, discutimos la aplicación en modelos autorregresivos condicionados por la petición, proporcionando un medio práctico para evaluar las habilidades creativas de los modelos de IA generativa, como los Modelos de Lenguaje de Larga Escala (LLM). Además, este estudio ofrece una guía de entrenamiento práctica, que enlaza la cuantificación teórica de la creatividad con el entrenamiento de modelos prácticos.

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What educators know about Artificial Intelligence, in 3 charts

What educators know about Artificial Intelligence, in 3 charts | |

Most educators say that teaching students on how to use tech tools powered by artificial intelligence—and understanding the potential pitfalls of the technology—should be a priority.

But only 1 in 10 say that they know enough basics about artificial intelligence to teach it or use it to some degree in their work. That’s according to a nationally representative sample of teachers, principals, and district leaders surveyed by the EdWeek Research Center.

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Subculturas: Su integración y evolución dentro de la Cultura Dominante

Subculturas: Su integración y evolución dentro de la Cultura Dominante | |

En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, el concepto de cultura adquiere nuevas dimensiones y complejidades. Tradicionalmente, la cultura ha sido vista como un conjunto homogéneo de prácticas y valores compartidos por una sociedad. Sin embargo, dentro de estas culturas dominantes existen grupos menores, conocidos como subculturas, que poseen sus propias identidades. Vamos a ver cómo las subculturas, lejos de ser meros fragmentos aislados, se integran y transforman la cultura más amplia, influyendo en aspectos tan variados como la moda, el lenguaje y las normas sociales.

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