Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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La enseñanza de élite es gratis en Internet

La enseñanza de élite es gratis en Internet | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

La enseñanza de Introducción a la Sociología es algo casi automático para Mitchell Duneier, catedrático de la Universidad de Princeton en Nueva Jersey: la ha impartido 30 veces y el manual que coescribió ya va por su octava edición. Pero el pasado verano, mientras transformaba su clase en un curso gratuito en Internet, se vio enfrentado a algunos interrogantes novedosos: ¿dónde deberá centrar la mirada mientras una cámara graba sus clases? ¿Cómo podrían compartir sus ideas los 40.000 estudiantes que se matricularon online? ¿Y cómo saber lo que están aprendiendo?

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

The Unstoppable MOOCs and the cautious word abot MOOCs (pros and cons)

The Unstoppable MOOCs and the cautious word abot MOOCs (pros and cons) | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

By Richard Vedder

Although difficult to measure, it is unlikely that higher education has had any productivity advance in the 50 years since I finished college. Economists like Princeton's William Baumol have argued that rising college costs are inevitable, given inherent limitations on reducing the cost of disseminating knowledge -only so many people can fit into a room to hear a lecture.


A Cautious Word about MOOCs (by J.M. Anderson):


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The future of MOOCs: a hot debate

The future of MOOCs: a hot debate | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

MOOCs get a bad rap. Dismissed as prescriptive, or teacher-centric, or unsocial, or something else, it’s like a badge of honour to espouse why you dislike MOOCs.

Despite their pedagogical flaws, however, MOOCs provide unprecedented access to quality content for millions of learners.

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40 Useful Tips For Anyone Taking A MOOC

40 Useful Tips For Anyone Taking A MOOC | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Once, students had to pay a pretty penny to get access to Ivy League courses and top-tier educational resources. Those days are long gone, as there are now thousands of free online learning opportunities available from some of the biggest names in education and business in the world.

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IV Jornadas Campus Virtuales (2013)

IV Jornadas Campus Virtuales (2013) | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Ya han transcurrido unos años desde que, en julio de 2009, se llevaron a cabo las primeras Jornadas de Campus Virtuales en Tenerife. La necesidad de mantener abierto un foro de estas características, donde compartir experiencias e inquietudes, ha hecho que, desde entonces, ya podamos hablar de un evento consolidado.
Nos complace, pues, tomar el relevo de Oviedo y celebrar en la Universitat de les Illes Balears las IV Jornadas Internacionales de Campus Virtuales.
Si la innovación ha sido una constante en la vida de los servicios de nuestras universidades, los especiales momentos que atravesamos no deben ser un obstáculo para que siga siendo un elemento que guie la práctica de todos los profesionales que los conforman. Por ello, consideramos que la celebración de estas jornadas cobra una especial significación y puede constituir, no solo un espacio de intercambio, sino también de unión en la búsqueda de soluciones que permitan mantener los estándares de calidad, pese a la merma de recursos que nos afecta de manera generalizada.
Nos gustaría invitaros a participar en las jornadas a todos los que estéis interesados en las temáticas abordadas.
Esperamos que sean de vuestro interés.

Un cordial saludo.

Comité de Organización de las Jornadas


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MOOC Brigade: Can Online Courses Keep Students from Cheating? Read more:

MOOC Brigade: Can Online Courses Keep Students from Cheating?  Read more: | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

This winter, when Mary Liu sits down to take the final exam in an online course on epidemiology and biostatistics, she’ll do so from the comfort of her own home. She’ll have 24 hours to complete the test, which accounts for 60% of the final grade in the online course, but no one will be peering over her shoulder to make sure she completes the exam on her own without the aid of any of her 50,000 classmates or Wikipedia.

Read more:

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from About Moodle!

Why Tech Training for Faculty is a Waste of Time if not includes pedagogical methods

Why Tech Training for Faculty is a Waste of Time if not includes pedagogical methods | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Providing faculty training for ed tech tools is a waste of time, unless accompanied by instruction that shows instructors how to incorporate the tools to enhance teaching. In this post I share reasons why tech training for course instructors must include pedagogical instructional methods and how instructors and institutions can incorporate such strategies into faculty ed tech training.

Via LaiaJoana
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from University Master and Postgraduate studies and positions!

MOOC Could Make Education More Accessible - rate of MIT students passing is low - and MOOChisteria

MOOC Could Make Education More Accessible - rate of MIT students passing is low - and MOOChisteria | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Dear Editor, Nationally, more students are participating in doctoral education than ever before. In particular, doctoral education has benefited from dramatic increases in enrollments of international students, minorities and women. Yet, at U.S. institutions, 63 percent of Ph.D. students in the field of economics (60 percent in engineering, 45 percent in physical and mathematical sciences), are foreigners.

Les than 4% of students pass the final at MIT online courses:

Ed-Techie interview with the MOOC boys:

Are we under a MOOChisteria????:

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Seven things we have learned about MOOCs | Octeto

Seven things we have learned about MOOCs | Octeto | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Graham Attwell, "Siete cosas que hemos aprendido acerca de los MOOC":


Muy claras e interesantes afirmaciones

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Half an Hour: International MOOCs Past and Present

Half an Hour: International MOOCs Past and Present | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Stephen Downes pubish this list of MOOCs, with the detailid link to each one !!! Thanks.


Very valuable work for a revision on this topic.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

The top three hoary metaphors of the higher-ed apocalypse | University Affairs

The top three hoary metaphors of the higher-ed apocalypse | University Affairs | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

To read about higher education today, one might get the impression that the whole ivy-covered edifice is on shaky ground, ready to collapse. Universities are certainly facing big challenges, but much of what’s being said seems to me wildly pessimistic. The metaphors used to describe this parlous state I find particularly amusing.

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from University Master and Postgraduate studies and positions!

¿Quién mandará en la Universidad? - Intervención política inminente y preocupante

¿Quién mandará en la Universidad? - Intervención política inminente y preocupante | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
El Gobierno trabaja en una reforma de los campus, desde la elección del rector a la contratación del profesorado.


Para remodelar la estructura Universitaria, el gobierno ha encargado un informe a una comisión de expertos que se espera tener listo para diciembre. El documento debe trazar las líneas del nuevo modelo de gobernanza de las universidades, que incluye desde revisar los órganos de gobierno de los campus (quién manda y cómo se eligen los directivos) hasta el sistema de financiación (qué parte de los fondos serán públicos y qué parte, privados) y la forma de contratar al profesorado.


Al hilo de este tema, aquí tenéis la segunda carta de Javier Segovia a la Comisión de Expertos:


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Online Learning: a Manifesto | HYBRID PEDAGOGY

Online Learning: a Manifesto | HYBRID PEDAGOGY | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

By Jesse Stommel


Online learning is not the whipping boy of higher education. As a classroom teacher first and foremost, I have no interest in proselytizing for online learning, but to roundly condemn it is absurd. Online learning is too big and variable a target. It would be like roundly condemning the internet or all objects made from paper.

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from University Master and Postgraduate studies and positions!

Educación digital para todos: los MOOCs, fenómeno sin marcha atrás

Educación digital para todos: los MOOCs, fenómeno sin marcha atrás | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Por José Luis de Vicente - El


Un nuevo modelo de educación en internet está revolucionando las mayores universidades del mundo. Los MOOCs prometen ser la mayor transformación de la enseñanza en décadas. Un fenómeno sin marcha atrás. ¿Es el futuro de las aulas gratuito y global?


Ejemplo de un profesor español realizando un MOOC. Alberto Cairo uno de los mayores expertos en infografía y gráficos de prensa:


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Are MOOCs hyped?

Are MOOCs hyped? | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

If you haven’t heard of MOOCs, you no doubt will, because these Massive Open Online course are becoming all the rage, tagged as the biggest thing in public education since, well, the dawn of public education. (It wasn’t long ago that the Khan Academy was). My colleague Nick Anderson reported about the emergence of the MOOCs movement as a disruptive force in higher education. But there are reasons to think MOOCs are being hyped, and below, former schools superintendent Larry Cuban explains why. Cuban is a former high school social studies teacher (14 years, including seven at Cardozo and Roosevelt high schools in the District), district superintendent (seven years in Arlington, VA) and professor emeritus of education at Stanford University, where he has taught for more than 20 years. His latest book is “As Good As It Gets: What School Reform Brought to Austin.” This appeared on his blog.

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Universidades y colegios de ingenieros defienden la tecnología en la Lomce - - Noticias Agencias

Universidades y colegios de ingenieros defienden la tecnología en la Lomce - - Noticias Agencias | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

23-11-2012 / 13:00 h EFE

Universidades politécnicas y colegios de ingenieros, entre ellos de Zaragoza, así como profesorado, asociaciones de padres de alumnos, sindicatos y empresas se han unido para defender la inclusión y refuerzo de las enseñanzas de tecnología en la futura Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (Lomce).

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Global Education | University of Oregon | Dr. Yong Zhao keynotes at ISTE 2012

Global Education | University of Oregon | Dr. Yong Zhao keynotes at ISTE 2012 | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Dr. Yong Zhao, Associate Dean for Global and Online Education will be delivering a keynote speech at ISTE 2012 on Tuesday, June 26th. Global, Creative, and Entrepreneurial: Defining High-Quality

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Is What is the Future of the University? the wrong question? - a video by University Alliance

Is What is the Future of the University? the wrong question? - a video by University Alliance | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Over-concern for one's own future is often an invitation to those who present themselves as the 'strong man/women' ready to save the country/institution/etc. As Hayek and others warned us a long time ago, these people are dangerous. Thinking of others needs to come before self-interest. Universities are currently rather over-concerned about their future, preferring to worry about that than the terrible burden that is to be carried by their students.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

When is a MOOC not a MOOC? - Professors and universities debating - Enterprises releasing iPad Apps

When is a MOOC not a MOOC? - Professors and universities debating - Enterprises releasing iPad Apps | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

By Vance Stevens:

I have to admit I would not be drawn to a blog post entitled so vacuously as, "what MOOC means to me" (so I thought up something catchy and made the real purpose of this post its subtitle). However, it's early days for working out what MOOC means for anyone. People have different ideas about what MOOC means, period. Obviously, the most relevant meaning is the one that reaches any one of us personally. MOOC means a lot to me, I'm going to try to pin down that meaning here, and maybe this will help you get your own grip on what MOOC might mean to you.


Many Questions Remain For MOOCs On Line Courses


credits for this courses?



But enterprises are releasing iPad Apps for MOOCs



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Sustainability and MOOCs in Historical Perspective by Stephen Downes

Sustainability and MOOCs in Historical Perspective by Stephen Downes | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Sustainability and MOOCs in Historical Perspective

November 15, 2012

by Stephen Downes
Keynote presentation delivered to Simposio Internacional Estado Actual Y Prospectiva De La Educacion Virtual, Bogota, Colombia.

Overview of the historical factors leading to the development of massive open online courses, and discussion of what this history can tell us of the sustainability of MOOCs in the future. 


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Do online courses spell the end for the traditional university?

Do online courses spell the end for the traditional university? | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
US academics are using the web to offer world-class tuition – free – to anyone who can log on, anywhere in the world.


Publishing, music, shopping, journalism – all revolutionised by the internet. Next in line? Education. Now US academics are offering world-class tuition – free – to anyone who can log on, anywhere in the world, is this the end of campus life?

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Find Free-Open-Quality resources for Higher Education at the Open Courseware Consortium

Find Free-Open-Quality resources for Higher Education at the Open Courseware Consortium | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

About the OCW Consortium

The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organizations committed to advancing OpenCourseWare and its impact on global education. Learn more here.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Nuevas plataformas de aprendizaje en el contexto de educación superior global (I) | Fernando Santamaría

Nuevas plataformas de aprendizaje en el contexto de educación superior global (I) | Fernando Santamaría | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Hay tres plataformas de LMS ( por llamarlo de la manera más clásica ya que integran abertura y networking en su diseño. Seguro que hay más y saldrán más en este contexto global) que están creando un paso más allá de lo que entendemos por aprendizaje online hasta ahora. Se trata de Lore, Canvas Network y OpenClass.

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